The two main muscles to the calf:

The Gastrocnemius Muscle and the Soleus Muscle. What’s the difference?


  • Location: It is the larger, more prominent muscle of the calf and has two heads (medial and lateral).
  • Function: Primarily responsible for plantarflexion of the foot (pointing the toes) and assists in knee flexion.
  • Activity: Engaged during activities that require explosive movement, such as running and jumping, due to its fast-twitch muscle fibers.


  • Location: Lies beneath the gastrocnemius and has a flatter, broader shape.
  • Function: Primarily responsible for plantarflexion of the foot, particularly during activities that require sustained posture or endurance.
  • Activity: More involved in activities like walking or standing, as it is made up of slow-twitch muscle fibers that are better for endurance.

Stretching the calf muscles

Stretch your Gastrocnemius by bringing your heel down with your knee straight

Stretch your Soleus by bringing your heel down with your knee bent. 

Stretching both muscles is important to having a relaxed and flexible calf.