As Pilates practitioners with degrees in physiotherapy, we are ‘movement specialists’

All of our instructors are Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) certified.

APPI Pilates Teacher Training courses have been designed by Physiotherapists specifically for those working in the field of rehabilitation. The APPI method presents the most current research relevant to Pilates, and is the leading form of teacher training for rehabilitation therapists worldwide.

We offer classes tailored to each person’s individual needs and ability

At Hawker Place Physiotherapy & Pilates in Canberra, it is a requirement to have a one hour, one-on-one assessment with one of Clinical Pilates Instructors. This is so we can assess and educate you on your individual needs and ability and get you familiar with some of the Pilates principles before starting your 10-week class. (When making a booking online, please select “Physio Exercise 1:1 (1 Hour)” for the initial assessment)

Classes are made up of a mixture of mat work classes and Pilates reformer classes. All classes will get to have a go at doing both. Mat work classes consist of exercises performed in a sitting, lying or standing position, and often incorporate specifically designed apparatus that provide graduated resistance to movement. Pilates reformer classes are performed with the Pilates reformer, a machine that can be used in different ways to strengthen the whole body in a low impact way.

The primary focus of both mat work and reformer classes is on awareness of posture, movement control, fluidity of movement, mobility, and integrating core strength within global whole body movements. Due to our small class sizes your instructor will often personally modify your exercises and give you individual feedback as you progress. Should you feel you would benefit from even more personal instruction then private Pilates classes are also available.

Accelerate your progression with private, one-on-one Pilates class

Gain the highest level of program individualisation by spending one on one time with your instructor. You will more rapidly increase your understanding of your own body’s capability and your personal Pilates instructor will also precisely tailor and adjust every exercise and repetition to maximise your potential from each and every Pilates class.

By receiving individual instruction, you will find that you will be able to progress your exercise competence more effectively and efficiently. You will also attain an excellent understanding and ability to integrate these movement principles safely into activities of daily living, thereby increasing your enjoyment of movement.

For some, having to workout in front of others you don’t know can be a very confronting experience. This stress is lowered by taking a private Pilates class. Your instructor is there to focus only upon you.